Adoption of national recommendations related to use of antiretroviral therapy before and shortly following the launch of the 2013 WHO consolidated guidelines.

Adoption of national recommendations related to use of antiretroviral therapy before and shortly following the launch of the 2013 WHO consolidated guidelines.


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Objective: To determine the status of key national policies on the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the time of the launch of the 2013 WHO consolidated guidelines as well as to track early progress towards adoption of these recommendations following dissemination. Design: Descriptive analysis of ...

WHO. MhGAP intervention guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings.

WHO. MhGAP intervention guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings.


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Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) – background About four out of five people in low- and middle-income countries who need services for mental, neurological and substance use conditions do not receive them. Even when available, the interventions often are neither evidence-based nor of high quality. ...

Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents.

Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents.


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Revisions to the April 8, 2015, version of the guidelines are largely based on findings from two large, randomized controlled trials that addressed the optimal time to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART)—START (Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy) and TEMPRANO. Both studies demonstrated approximately a 50% reduction ...

Update on PQ programme and regional harmonization of drug registration 2015.

Update on PQ programme and regional harmonization of drug registration 2015.

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The Prequalification of Medicines Programme (PQP) • A United Nations Programme managed by WHO • Started in March 2001 as a Pilot Project: Focus on HIV/AIDS • Partners included WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNAIDS and supported by World Bank • Quickly expanded to include Tuberculosis, Malaria, Reproductive Health, Influenza and ...

PEPFAR’s Contribution to the Scale Up of ART

PEPFAR’s Contribution to the Scale Up of ART

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PEPFAR’s Evolution. From Emergency Response to Sustainable Impact for an AIDS-free Generation. 2003-2007: PEPFAR 1 Emergency Response Delivering prevention, care and treatment services Building and strengthening health systems to deliver HIV services 2008-2012: PEPFAR 2 Shift to sustainable response Shared responsibility and country driven programs Scaling up core interventions (ART, PMTCT, and VMMC) ...

New PQ financing strategy. Meeting with ARV manufacturers.

New PQ financing strategy. Meeting with ARV manufacturers.

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Purpose of the new PQ financing strategy: • Maintain the overall objective of PQ to provide assured safe, efficacious and quality drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and devices while increasing supply and access; • Need for an innovative, practical and sustainable funding approach for the WHO PQ programme; • Reduce ...

MPP Forecasting pipeline ARVs for Paediatrics

MPP Forecasting pipeline ARVs for Paediatrics


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Currently does not include estimates of number of people who may need PrEP (e.g. number of IDUs at high risk of HIV acquisition) or TasP • Borrows average usage forecast from currently available forecasts till 2018 • Borrows epidemiological estimates from available estimates till 2018 • Assumptions: – Linear ...

MPP forecasting model adults. Forecasting pipeline ARVs

MPP forecasting model adults. Forecasting pipeline ARVs


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Background: Extent and timing of public health usage of ARVs, especially new drugs, was a key area for the MPP to understand when we commenced our licensing work with originator and generic companies • MPP started its forecasting exercise in 2011, including all ARVs but focusing on ...

Update on the IATT Paediatric Formulary

Update on the IATT Paediatric Formulary


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WHO/UNAIDS Consultation with manufacturers. March 2015, Geneva, Switzerland Key Points • The IATT Optimal Formulary is designed to guide selection and procurement of paediatric ARV’s around a subset of optimal products • Consolidation of demand stabilizes supplies of paediatric ARVs • Success requires global consensus, cooperation with the manufacturers, ...

The Global Fund’s  procurement and funding.

The Global Fund’s procurement and funding.


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Update on the Global Fund’s Procurement Strategy. WHO UNAIDS Annual Meeting with Pharmaceutical Stakeholders Key outcomes The long term collaborative agreements will support continuous supply through improved lead times and better delivery performance Supply risks mitigated with multiple awardees per product and diversification of API sources ...

Drug regulatory database.

Drug regulatory database.


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Objectives: Promote access to life saving medicines and informed the WHO guideline Process; Work with all concerned parties to remove or minimize obstacles for medicines entering the market and facilitate their uptake; Provide partners and players in the field of SCM with reliable data to ...

Consolidated Forecast of Global ARV Demand for Adults: Scenarios, Data and Forecasts 2014 – 2018

Consolidated Forecast of Global ARV Demand for Adults: Scenarios, Data and Forecasts 2014 – 2018


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Forecast numbers of patients on ARVs and demand for individual ARVs in low and middle-income countries for 2014 to 2018 using best available evidence. Data sources include: • WHO ARV Survey • GPRM procurements • CHAI forecasts • UNAIDS estimates of need for ART • Global Fund quantification of ARV ...