Outcomes of the first European HIV Academy for Enabling Legal Environments

Outcomes of the first European HIV Academy for Enabling Legal Environments

The first European HIV Academy for Enabling Legal Environments held in Berlin was attended by about 35 activists from 20 countries working on the legal matters, HIV/AIDS legislation and policy reform in the WHO European Region states. European HIV Academy for Enabling Legal Environments, #ELETA, was ...

January 26, 2018

ECUO announces amendments in the Charter and changes of management bodies

nternational Charitable Organization "East Europe and Central Asia Union of People Living with HIV" (ECUO), at the General Meeting of the members on December 17-18, 2017, approved the decision on amending its Charter to reflect the current conditions and challenges. The Working Group was established to ...

January 22, 2018
ECUO  News  
The activists started global OST mapping

The activists started global OST mapping

In early 2018 a group was created on Facebook for experience exchange, psychological support and sharing information about the access to the substitution therapy (OST) programs in different countries of the world for migrants and travelers.

January 12, 2018