Five facts about Chemsex among MSM in Kyiv
Chemsex in the capital city: marijuana and mixing of drugs are popular. Meanwhile, condoms use is much less than optimal: only 26% of men practicing Chemsex use them.
Chemsex in the capital city: marijuana and mixing of drugs are popular. Meanwhile, condoms use is much less than optimal: only 26% of men practicing Chemsex use them.
Svitlana Moroz is a Ukrainian women’s rights activist living with HIV. She is one of the founders of the Union of Women of Ukraine affected by HIV “Positive Women” and since 2013 she has coordinated activities for the Eurasian Women’s Network on AIDS.
Yelena Strizhak, a HIV activist from Ukraine, the Chairperson of the Board of the Charitable Organization "Positive Women", conducted a training on women's leadership organized by the "Silver Rose" movement for women from different HIV-service organizations in St. Petersburg. She told about her life and ...
Visitors can get tested, which takes 15 minutes, after that they receive counseling from friendly staff and the necessary comprehensive treatment in the future.
On May 15, an exhibition "The Color of Blood – Fire, Love and Life" was opened in the Art Salon of the Poltava Regional Organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. The exhibition participants tried to draw public attention to the problems of ...
The event is dedicated to the prevention and involvement of Ukrainians in the fight against AIDS in Ukraine.
Ageing with HIV: New challenges and unmet needs of people aged 18 – 50 years living and ageing with HIV/AIDS (3-6 May 2018, Kyiv)
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will finance the project "For the Sake of Life" in Ukraine, whose goal is to prevent the spread of HIV, TB and hepatitis C among people in prisons.
On December 15-16 leaders of advocacy consortiums from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Estonia, Uzbekistan, WHO representatives, EECA organizations and the regional coordination group (RCG), operating within the framework of the program "Partnership for the Equal Access to the Continuum of HIV Care for ...
On December 1, an exhibition "B Positive" was opened in the America House Gallery in Kyiv within the social and cultural campaign for the World AIDS Day aimed to overcome public stereotypes towards people living with HIV.
16 non-governmental organizations from different regions of the country will participate in the European initiative aimed at encouraging people to get tested for HIV and hepatitis, including the members of the “Consortium of Key Communities” representing Ukraine in the ECUO PLWH. The European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week will ...
On September 22, a workshop for patient communities on accessibility of innovation in HIV treatment in Ukraine was held in Kyiv. During the workshop, influential international organizations – the EATG and the East Europe and Central Asia Union of People Living with HIV (ECUO) – ...
Representatives of the MSM community now have direct representation in the Government’s official coordination body. This participation is crucial for stopping the growing HIV epidemic among men having sex with men (MSM) in Ukraine. It’s been a long journey until the day Andrii Chernyshev could finally join ...
America House Kyiv is pleased to announce a call for artists for an exhibit “B POSITIVE.” The “B POSITIVE” exhibit supports the 2017 “Positive Life” campaign organized by Small Heart with Art, in partnership with the East Europe & Central Asia Union of PWLH. This exhibit will ...
Extension of 2013 agreement allows an additional 1.4 million people living with HIV to benefit from sublicensed generics of World Health Organization-recommended antiretroviral. Paris, 25 July 2017 — The Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) has signed an extension of its licensing agreement with biopharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb ...
Six case studies documented by the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health Global Fund policies on the composition of country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs) have resulted in increased participation of LGBT organizations on CCMs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). It has also resulted in greater participation ...
As the government prepares to take on more financial responsibility, the country still faces challenges because of ongoing conflict Ukraine has submitted a TB/HIV funding request worth $119.5 million that the country expects will help broaden services, especially among key populations. The proposal includes a further ...
On 8 June 2017, Alliance for Public Health (Alliance) hosted a meeting with representatives of the WHO assessment mission on viral hepatitis, attended by representatives of Alliance, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health, and the US ...