UNAIDS and UNFPA launch road map to stop new HIV infections

UNAIDS and UNFPA launch road map to stop new HIV infections

Global HIV Prevention Coalition holds first meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, to find ways to strengthen and sustain political commitment for HIV prevention As part of global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat, UNAIDS, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners have launched ...

October 12, 2017
Andrey Yarovoi: “If not to change the punitive approaches in the national drug policy, the IDUs will not have access to quality services in Kyrgyzstan”

Andrey Yarovoi: “If not to change the punitive approaches in the national drug policy, the IDUs will not have access to quality services in Kyrgyzstan”

Andrey Yarovoi: expert of the regional expert group (REG) of the program "Partnership" implemented by the ECUO. Member of the ENPUD Coordination Council, a member of OST Association of Ukraine.   On September 18-19, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, was held the National Conference "New challenges: HIV and TB", ...

October 02, 2017
Andrey Yarovoi  Blogs  ECUO  News  
Vladimir Zhovtyak: Ending HIV/AIDS epidemic directly depends on treatment quality

Vladimir Zhovtyak: Ending HIV/AIDS epidemic directly depends on treatment quality

On September 6, in Poland, the ECUO held a working meeting jointly with the international experts, representatives of governmental institutions and activists of PLHIV communities, to discuss the new concept of access to innovative treatment. You can review the concept here. Without exaggeration, it is a landmark meeting that took place on the edge of two Europes: East and West. In West Europe, the epidemic is brought under control already, so HIV-infected people have an opportunity ...

September 12, 2017
ICASO makes intervention on “a quarter for prevention” at UNAIDS PCB

ICASO makes intervention on “a quarter for prevention” at UNAIDS PCB

29 June 2017 — Geneva, Switzerland — ICASO’s Executive Director, Mary Ann Torres, representing the organization at the 40th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, made an intervention during the thematic segment, entitled “HIV Prevention 2020: A Global Partnership for Delivery.”  Mary Ann’s remarks, ...

June 30, 2017
EMA 2016 annual report published

EMA 2016 annual report published

The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) 2016 annual report published today focuses on the Agency’s key achievements in the areas of medicine evaluation, support to research and development of new and innovative treatments and the safety monitoring of medicines in real life. In 2016, the Agency recommended ...

May 15, 2017
Global social work responds to HIV

Global social work responds to HIV

The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and UNAIDS have published a new joint report, Getting to zero: global social work responds to HIV, a collection of stories and articles showing how social workers are central to the AIDS response around the world. Launched ...

March 23, 2017
EATG  News  

Africa-Europe partnership launched to develop new AIDS vaccine

A new partnership has been formed between European and African researchers to develop an AIDS vaccine that can be used to prevent infection with different strains of HIV worldwide. The Globally Relevant AIDS Vaccine Europe-Africa Trials Partnership (GREAT) will evaluate a new vaccine that triggers the ...

February 10, 2017
EATG  News