Oral PrEP Mobile App

Oral PrEP Mobile App

This app provides mobile access to WHO PrEP Implementation Tool (WHO Implementation Tool for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV Infection) and was developed to be a “digital pocket reference” available for clinicians and pharmacists. WHO has developed a series of modules to support the implementation of PrEP ...

August 02, 2018
Implants for Delivery of Antiretroviral Drugs for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Implants for Delivery of Antiretroviral Drugs for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Strategies to reduce new HIV infections span multifaceted efforts, including safe-sex counseling, voluntary medical male circumcision, treatment as prevention, and pre- (PrEP) and postexposure prophylaxis. PrEP entails the use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs prophylactically by HIV-negative individuals at risk of infection to thwart acquisition of ...

June 21, 2018
Artyom Golobokov: “PrEP must not be ignored!”

Artyom Golobokov: “PrEP must not be ignored!”

In February 2018, the first European PrEP event "PrEP In Europe Summit 2018" took place in Amsterdam, uniting over 100 activists. Despite the numerous delegations from Eastern Europe and Central Asia attending the event, few people know about the opportunities offered by PrEP in our ...

February 26, 2018
Discussion on PrEP at the XVI European AIDS Conference (Video)

Discussion on PrEP at the XVI European AIDS Conference (Video)

Today the XVI European AIDS Conference hosts a separate session on PrEP in Europe. Right now you can join the session online on Facebook or view its record here: “This year, the XVI European AIDS Conference puts special emphasis on the group “women living with HIV”, a range of sessions and discussions on the contemporary PrEP methodologies, new test methods and drugs interaction. A lot of information presented about the co-infection: how to treat it correctly, comparison of ...

October 27, 2017
ECUO  News  
Maraviroc-Containing PrEP Regimens Found to be Safe in Women

Maraviroc-Containing PrEP Regimens Found to be Safe in Women

HIV infections continue to occur at a rate of >2 million globally each year with women accounting for a little over 50% of infections. Although the overall incidence of HIV infections in the United States has decreased in recent years, certain populations remain particularly vulnerable, including racial/ethnic ...

October 09, 2017
IAS 2017: Closing ceremony exposes Gilead Sciences

IAS 2017: Closing ceremony exposes Gilead Sciences

Conference funders, Gilead Sciences, named and shamed for its “insatiable greed” 9th International AIDS Conference on HIV Science in Paris (IAS 2017), drew to a close, in style. The community address delivered by Othoman Mellouk, during the final ceremony, exposed one of the key conference sponsors, ...

August 02, 2017
New results from Flash! PrEP in Europe released at IAS 2017

New results from Flash! PrEP in Europe released at IAS 2017

AIDES and PLUS announced to conference attendees from the world over results from the biggest European survey ever to be conducted regarding knowledge, interest and utilisation of PrEP, Flash! PrEP in Europe. This presentation revealed the principal barriers, both individual and structural, regarding access to this ...

July 31, 2017
PrEP now included on the WHO Essential Medicines List

PrEP now included on the WHO Essential Medicines List

Key HIV drugs added to the list of medicines critical to public health, including tenofovir for HIV prevention, and dolutegravir. Earlier this month, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated their list of medicines deemed ‘essential’ as part of a well-functioning health system. That is, the drugs ...

June 23, 2017
PrEP should be given to all breastfed babies, researchers say

PrEP should be given to all breastfed babies, researchers say

An international group of researchers involved in the ANRS 12174 randomised controlled trial of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for infants say that it is high time we started giving PrEP to all breastfed babies of HIV-positive mothers in countries where the likelihood of transmission via breastfeeding ...

April 05, 2017
AIDSmap  News