Global Fund Partnership has Saved 27 Million Lives

Global Fund Partnership has Saved 27 Million Lives

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria released a report today demonstrating that 27 million lives have been saved by the Global Fund partnership. The report shows tremendous progress that has been achieved by efforts to end the epidemics, while highlighting new threats.

September 14, 2018
Civil Society Speaks: Global Fund Eligibility Criteria Debrief

Civil Society Speaks: Global Fund Eligibility Criteria Debrief

GNP+ invites you to an important discussion with civil society representatives from the NGO and communities delegations of the Global Fund on eligibility criteria negotiations that will determine whether some countries retain the ability to apply for and receive global fund grants.

March 27, 2018
Global Fund: Requests for Proposals

Global Fund: Requests for Proposals

For most multicountry priority areas, the Global Fund will hold a competitive application process through requests for proposals. See Multicountry Funding Applications for detailed information on multicountry funding and a full list of the forthcoming requests for proposals. Any eligible applicant may submit a funding request in response ...

December 28, 2017
Global Fund Appoints Peter Sands as Executive Director

Global Fund Appoints Peter Sands as Executive Director

The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today appointed a new Executive Director: Peter Sands  , a former chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank who after a distinguished career in banking immersed himself in a range of global public health projects. ...

November 14, 2017