Discussion on PrEP at the XVI European AIDS Conference (Video)

Discussion on PrEP at the XVI European AIDS Conference (Video)

Today the XVI European AIDS Conference hosts a separate session on PrEP in Europe. Right now you can join the session online on Facebook or view its record here: “This year, the XVI European AIDS Conference puts special emphasis on the group “women living with HIV”, a range of sessions and discussions on the contemporary PrEP methodologies, new test methods and drugs interaction. A lot of information presented about the co-infection: how to treat it correctly, comparison of ...

October 27, 2017
ECUO  News  
In Milan opened the XVI European AIDS Conference

In Milan opened the XVI European AIDS Conference

Today in Milan opened the XVI European AIDS Conference, taking place on October 25-27. For the discussion of the last results of the scientific and clinical research, the presentation of new approaches to treatment and prevention activities aimed at combating HIV/AIDS, the scientific employees, activists, and representatives of KAP communities from all European region gathered on the conference site in Italy. To share experience, and to present the achievements of ...

October 26, 2017
ECUO  News