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MPP forecasting model adults. Forecasting pipeline ARVs

13 ноября, 2016


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Extent and timing of public health usage of ARVs, especially new drugs, was a key area for the MPP to understand when we commenced our licensing work with originator and generic companies
• MPP started its forecasting exercise in 2011, including all ARVs but focusing on new drugs
– Prioritisation of voluntary licences with originators to achieve key public health objectives
– Early visibility by generic manufacturers on new ARVs: portfolio planning and prioritisation
– Resulting in timely development of required FDCs
• To further supplement this, MPP requires knowledge of futuristic FDCs which would be needed in resource limited settings
• Consultations with WHO HIV department and the TAC team to understand FDCs needed in future, scenario building and refine assumptions on uptake
• Consultations with other stakeholders in the TWG

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