
Engagement in the Continuum of HIV Care in Estonia

Estonia at the Threshold of the Fourth Decade of the AIDS Era in Europe

HIV in Estonia Situation, prevention, treatment, and care Narrative report for GARPR 2015

HIV in Estonia Situation, prevention, treatment, and care Narrative report for GARPR 2016

Профиль страны по туберкулезу

HIV Epidemic in Estonia: Analysis of Strategic Information. Case Study

HIV/AIDS treatment and care in Estonia Evaluation report. June 2014.

Kaja-Triin Laissaar. People living with HIV in Estonia: Engagement in medical care and methods of increasing adherence to antiretroviral therapy and safe sexual behavior.

Estonia Health system review. Health Systems in Transition. Vol. 15 No. 6 2013.

The People Living with HIV Stigma Index. Estonia. February 2012.

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Geneva, July 2002

Expanded syringe exchange programs and reduced HIV infection among new injection drug users in Tallinn, Estonia

Полиси-бриф Эстония

План действий сообществ Эстонии

Eesti Konsortsiumi liikmeskogukondade tegevuskava aastateks 2017–2020

Руководство по тестированию на ВИЧ-инфекцию и направлению ВИЧ-позитивных лиц на лечение

Riiklik HIV tegevuskava aastateks 2017–2025

Substitution Treatment for Opioid Dependence. Clinical Protocol