Global health sector strategy on HIV 2016–2021 towards ending AIDS.

Global health sector strategy on HIV 2016–2021 towards ending AIDS.


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The international community has committed to ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030 – an ambitious target of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015. Interim targets have been established for 2020. ...

Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection. ART 2016.

Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection. ART 2016.


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With this update of the consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection, WHO, for the first time, recommends that all people living with HIV be provided with antiretroviral therapy (ART). This will bring us one step closer to ...

WHO regional technical consultation on the dissemination of consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. 2016.

WHO regional technical consultation on the dissemination of consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. 2016.


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HIV testing is the gateway to HIV prevention, treatment, care and other support services. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have endorsed global goals to achieve “zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths” by ...

WHO recommends HIV testing by lay providers. 2015.

WHO recommends HIV testing by lay providers. 2015.


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New Consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services from the WHO recommend that Lay providers who are trained can, using rapid diagnostic tests, independently conduct safe and effective HIV testing services.

WHO consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. What you need to know.

WHO consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. What you need to know.


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Forging a Path to 90-90-90: Launch of WHO Guidelines on HIV Testing Services and UNAIDS/WHO Guidelines on Conducting National Population-based HIV Surveys

Supplement to the 2013 consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection recommendations for a public health approach.

Supplement to the 2013 consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection recommendations for a public health approach.


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WHO guidelines on the use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection provide a public health approach for scaling up HIV care and treatment programmes and focus on simplified, harmonized and effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens for use in resource-limited settings. In ...

Services delivery approaches to HIV testing and counselling (HTC) a strategic HTC programme framework.

Services delivery approaches to HIV testing and counselling (HTC) a strategic HTC programme framework.


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People reach HIV treatment, care, and the full range of prevention options through the gateway of HIV testing and counselling (HTC). Currently, most people with HIV do not know that they are infected; those who do know often test late; and poor linkages from HTC ...

Revised recommendations for the selection and use of HIV antibody tests

Revised recommendations for the selection and use of HIV antibody tests


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Recommendations for the selection and use of HIV antibody tests were first issued by WHO in 1992.1 Since then the range of HIV antibody tests available has expanded. New types of assays have been developed and the overall quality has improved. HIV tests for other ...

HIV testing increasing uptake and effectiveness in the European Union.

HIV testing increasing uptake and effectiveness in the European Union.


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This evidence-based guidance is designed to inform the development, monitoring and evaluation of national HIV testing strategies or programmes in the countries of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It is intended to complement the following existing guidance: Scaling up HIV testing ...

Fact sheet to the WHO consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. 2015.

Fact sheet to the WHO consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services. 2015.


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HIV testing services are the gateway to prevention services and lifesaving treatment and care. Recent estimates report that only 54% of people with HIV know their HIV status. In order to reach the UN 90–90–90 goals it is critical that HIV testing services be strategically expanded ...

Consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services 5Cs consent, confidentiality, counselling, correct results and connection. 2015.

Consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services 5Cs consent, confidentiality, counselling, correct results and connection. 2015.


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These guidelines aim to: provide comprehensive evidence-based recommendations for HTS; support testing by trained lay providers to increase access to HTS through communitybased approaches; offer guidance to countries to deliver a mix of HTS approaches appropriate to their epidemic context, focusing on HTS for groups ...

An analysis of 48 national HIV testing and counselling policies.

An analysis of 48 national HIV testing and counselling policies.


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National HIV testing guidelines are critical to the success and expansion of HIV testing services. This report sought to analyse national HIV testing policies in WHO focal countries. The focus of this review was two-fold: 1) To determine whether national HIV testing policies permit lay providers and ...

План действий по борьбе с туберкулезом для Европейского региона ВОЗ на 2016–2020 гг.

План действий по борьбе с туберкулезом для Европейского региона ВОЗ на 2016–2020 гг.


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План действий по борьбе с туберкулезом для Европейского региона ВОЗ на 2016–2020 гг. был разработан в рамках общерегионального процесса консультаций с широким кругом заинтересованных сторон с целью определения практических мер реализации глобальной стратегии "Положить конец туберкулезу" в условиях Региона, чтобы впоследствии ее можно было адаптировать ...

WHO treatment guidelines for drug-resistant tuberculosis. 2016 update.

WHO treatment guidelines for drug-resistant tuberculosis. 2016 update.


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This document summarises the main outcomes of the Guidelines Development Group (GDG) meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 9 to 11 November 2015 to advise the World Health Organization Global TB Programme (WHO/GTB) on the revision of the policies on drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment. This 2016 ...

Report of the tenth meeting of the European technical advisory group on tuberculosis control. 2015.

Report of the tenth meeting of the European technical advisory group on tuberculosis control. 2015.


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The Tenth Meeting of the European Technical Advisory Group on Tuberculosis Control was held in Copenhagen on 9–10 November 2015. The objectives of the meeting were to: (i) review the epidemiology of TB and drug-resistant TB in the WHO European Region, including the burdens and trends; (ii) ...

Развитие услуг по диагностике, лечению и профилактике туберкулеза для людей, употребляющих наркотики. Руководство для тренеров

Развитие услуг по диагностике, лечению и профилактике туберкулеза для людей, употребляющих наркотики. Руководство для тренеров


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Данный документ является руководством для тренеров по проведению трехдневной учебной программы и содержит следующие модули: основные сведения о туберкулезе; низкопороговые услуги в сфере ТБ для людей, употребляющих наркотики; адвокация в сфере ТБ. В программе также предлагается обсуждение ряда ключевых организационных, практических и политических моментов, влияющих ...

Developing Tuberculosis Services for People Who Use Drugs: Training manual, EHRN, 2013

Developing Tuberculosis Services for People Who Use Drugs: Training manual, EHRN, 2013


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This manual aims to contribute to the comprehensive response to HIV, TB and drug use and support linkages between HIV prevention, TB control and harm reduction strategies and services in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It compiles clinical and programmatic information about TB, HIV and ...

Companion handbook to the WHO guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Companion handbook to the WHO guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis.


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Resistance to tuberculosis (TB) drugs is a formidable obstacle to effective TB care and prevention globally. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is multifactorial and fuelled by improper treatment of patients, poor management of supply and quality of drugs, and airborne transmission of bacteria in public places. Case ...