Ending AIDS: progress towards the 90–90–90 targets

Ending AIDS: progress towards the 90–90–90 targets

The latest progress report from UNAIDS shows significant strides towards achieving the 90-90-90 targets, with 70% of people living with HIV now aware of their HIV status. Of those who know their status 77% were accessing treatment, and 82% of those accessing treatment were virally ...

July 21, 2017
BRICS health ministers agree to strengthen health systems to respond to HIV

BRICS health ministers agree to strengthen health systems to respond to HIV

Health ministers from the BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa) have agreed to strengthen their surveillance capacity and health-care services to respond to infectious diseases, such HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. They adopted a joint communiqué during the opening ceremony of the ...

July 07, 2017
ICASO makes intervention on “a quarter for prevention” at UNAIDS PCB

ICASO makes intervention on “a quarter for prevention” at UNAIDS PCB

29 June 2017 — Geneva, Switzerland — ICASO’s Executive Director, Mary Ann Torres, representing the organization at the 40th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, made an intervention during the thematic segment, entitled “HIV Prevention 2020: A Global Partnership for Delivery.”  Mary Ann’s remarks, ...

June 30, 2017
UNAIDS report: AIDS data

UNAIDS report: AIDS data

AIDS data contains the very latest data, from the end of 2015 and in mid-2016, on the world’s response to HIV: the latest information on the number of people living with HIV, the number of new HIV infections, the numbers of people—both adults and children—on ...

May 04, 2017
The living legacy of the Global Plan

The living legacy of the Global Plan

The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) has released a special supplement on the incredible journey of the Global plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive (Global Plan), which documents the history of the ...

April 21, 2017
Top donors value UNAIDS’ contribution to change

Top donors value UNAIDS’ contribution to change

A group of 18 of UNAIDS’ top donors have published a report highlighting UNAIDS’ unique value to the communities it serves and its partners and key stakeholders. The assessment, carried out by the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN), which was set up to monitor ...

March 29, 2017
EATG  News  
Global social work responds to HIV

Global social work responds to HIV

The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) and UNAIDS have published a new joint report, Getting to zero: global social work responds to HIV, a collection of stories and articles showing how social workers are central to the AIDS response around the world. Launched ...

March 23, 2017
EATG  News