Global Fund: Requests for Proposals

Global Fund: Requests for Proposals

For most multicountry priority areas, the Global Fund will hold a competitive application process through requests for proposals. See Multicountry Funding Applications for detailed information on multicountry funding and a full list of the forthcoming requests for proposals. Any eligible applicant may submit a funding request in response ...

December 28, 2017
ECUO Parents Union addressed for assistance to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan

ECUO Parents Union addressed for assistance to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, more frequent become the cases of ungrounded denial to assign the disability of HIV-positive children that leads to restrictions on equal access to basic standards of social services for all children affected by HIV/AIDS epidemic. Regarding the situation, the ECUO Parent Union officially addressed the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Baktyzhan Sagintayev, with a request to take this situation under his control. It can be solved based on the successful experience of South Kazakhstan area where ...

October 02, 2017
ECUO  Interview  News  
Gates Foundation Invests $40 Million in UK Immunotherapy Company

Gates Foundation Invests $40 Million in UK Immunotherapy Company

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is to invest up to $40 million in privately held British biotech company Immunocore to support its development of immunotherapies for infectious diseases. Oxford-based Immunocore has so far concentrated on developing its T-cell receptor medicines to fight cancer, where it ...

September 20, 2017