Why HIV-positive migrants tend to stay in Russia illegally

Why HIV-positive migrants tend to stay in Russia illegally

As the discussions showed, there is an understanding in Russia that the deportation provisiob should be abolished. However, the Russian side is concerned about the financial side of the issue: the need to pay for the treatment not only of its own citizens, but also ...

May 01, 2018
Webinar with WHO on hormonal contraception and HIV

Webinar with WHO on hormonal contraception and HIV

AVAC will host a webinar on the newly released WHO guidance on hormonal contraceptive eligibility for women at high risk of HIV on 26 April 2017. [gview file="http://ecuo.org/mvdev/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/04/hc_HIV_guidance_March2017.pdf"] For more information about the webinar and how to register, click here. Sources

April 20, 2017
EATG  News