Belarusian legislation discriminates the HIV-positive people

Belarusian legislation discriminates the HIV-positive people

For the six months of 2017, in all regions of Belarus, especially in Gomel region, the number of criminal prosecution increased drastically for cases of HIV-positive people by Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (infecting a person with human immunodeficiency virus).

October 06, 2017
ECUO  News  
Improving the knowledge base for #ZeroDiscrimination in health care (UPDATE)

Improving the knowledge base for #ZeroDiscrimination in health care (UPDATE)

People around the world continue to face barriers to accessing quality health care and enjoying the highest attainable standard of health, despite the right to be free from discrimination being enshrined in multiple human rights treaties, national laws and constitutions. Why this occurs varies between countries ...

April 11, 2017
Meet the women at the centre of Ukraine’s resurgent HIV epidemic

Meet the women at the centre of Ukraine’s resurgent HIV epidemic

Living with HIV in Ukraine is fraught with stigma and discrimination. It’s even harder if you’re a woman. On International Women’s Day in early March, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) published a report stating there is an “urgent need” to increase HIV treatment ...

March 24, 2017

HIV activist battles drugs and discrimination in Ukraine

Growing up in eastern Ukraine, Svitlana Moroz said she was a typically reckless teenager who believed she’d live forever. She shared needles with friends to inject opium, had unprotected sex with a guy her own age, and five months after hooking up with him, learned she ...

February 13, 2017
EATG  News