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Resolution of the Regional Meeting of the Civil Society of the EECA region on Migration and Health – please, sign.

May 16, 2019

We ask kindly asking you to get familiar with the Resolution of the First Regional Meeting of Civil Society on Migration and Health.

The Meeting took place in Moscow, Russia, on 27-29 April with the support of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and Oxfam. The resolution includes recommendations for state authorities of the Russian Federation, governments of sending countries, international organizations and the academic community.

Скачать (PDF, 266KB)

If you:
– live in one of the countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia,
– are an employee of an NGO or a civil society activist,
– you support the final document and are ready to sign it,

We asking you to send the following information to the Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health: migration.health.eeca@gmail.com before May 20:
Name, surname, position, organization, city, country
and indicate in the subject “Resolution of the Regional Meeting on Migration and Health”.

After May 20, a letter addressing the governments and international partners of the EECA region will be sent with all the signatures collected.

If you have questions, please contact the Secretariat of the Regional Expert Group on Migration and Health:
Kirill Barsky barskiykirill@gmail.com
Daniil Kashnitsky kashnitsky@gmail.com
Anna Fedoryak anna.fedoryak@gmail.com
Ekaterina Yusupova yusupovash@gmail.com

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