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From Invisibility to Indivisibility. Annual Report 2016

November 07, 2017

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The Robert Car civil society Networks Fund (RCNF) is the first international pooled funding mechanism that specifically aims to strengthen global and regional HIV civil society and community
networks across the world. This institutional focus is in recognition of networks’ critical value and contribution to better health, inclusion and social wellbeing of inadequately served populations (ISPs), as networks have unique reach into and impact at community level.

The breadth of linkages within the collective of the RCNF grantees – often consortia of global and regional networks – holds the potential for fostering, catalyzing and facilitating collaborations, learning and exchange of best practices and ideas needed to unite a wide range of allies and build a movement and capacity towards sustainability of HIV response. As technical, intellectual and emotional capital of communities is pooled through these networks for greater impact, so too are funding partners’ financial resources pooled through the RCNF, to support the great comingtogether of efforts.

The purpose of this RCNF 2016 Annual Report: From Invisibility to Indivisibility is three-fold: it seeks to report on significant results that the RCNF grantees achieved during 2016, generating evidence for the critical value of civil society and community networks within the HIV response; to reflect on the unique contribution of the Fund’s combined work; and to explore the valuable findings and lessons from this year’s work as well as the last 5 years of the Fund, which will strengthen the RCNF’s results in 2017 and beyond.

Most importantly, in doing so, this report seeks to tell a story about the RCNF collective. It is this collective – which includes a unique mix of grantees, funding partners, program advisory experts, and the Fund’s entire governance and operating infrastructure – as a pooled funding mechanism for building capacity and collaborative work, driving change for ISPs, which sets RCNF apart from others. While there are many lenses through which RCNF’s results can be viewed, this report aims to serve as a synthesis of the many different levels and ways in which the
collective achieves its outcomes and impact.

The crafting of this story was informed by a range of sources – most notably the 2016 reports of grantees themselves, and a Collective Impact Reflection Workshop held in Amsterdam in May 2017. It was at this meeting in Amsterdam that the theme of this report emerged: From Invisibility to Indivisibility.

Just as this is the story of the many actors of the collective, it is made to serve many audiences. It is meant to help funding partners see how their investments in RCNF provide added value to other major bilateral and multilateral funding streams; it is meant to give insight to the Program Advisory Panel and International Steering Committee on how the Fund has grown and evolved, and how it can be more effective and relevant in the coming years; and it is meant to help grantees to see the  larger picture in which their work sits. While it is impossible to capture
all of the valuable contributions from all actors involved in these inputs, this Annual Report aims to capture the heart of the time, energy, efforts and spirit which the collective put towards their shared results.

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