Категории: Протоколы по лечению и тестированию
Год выпуска: 2014
Источник: UNAIDS
Тип документа: UNAIDS ART mapping report
Язык документа: ENG
Страна: Беларусь
Теги: ART, ART coverage, Forecasts 2014-2018, MSM, PLHIV, PWID
The estimated number of people who live with HIV (PWLH) in the Republic of Belarus constituted 27 412 in 2013. Accordingly to the routine surveillance data HIV incidence rate in 2013 has been increased in comparison to 2011. Although the overall estimated HIV prevalence remains the same, there is no evidence of the HIV epidemic improvement in the Republic of Belarus. Sentinel surveillance data collected in 2011 and 2013 are characterized by tendency of the increasing HIV prevalence among MSM and CSW.