Несмотря на активное развитие адвокационной деятельности и понимание проблематики государственными структурами, регион ВЕЦА все еще сталкивается с трудностями по достижению целей 90-90-90, которые при сохранении нынешнего статуса-кво могут стать непреодолимыми.
Despite the prevalence of depression in people with HIV (estimates of up to 42%), few data exist on antidepressant efficacy in this population. Previous studies of depression in people with HIV have tended to be from American men who have sex with men. As a ...
On 21 March 2018, the Global Fund Board approved six country grants worth $102.9 million. This was the seventh batch of approvals from the 2017–2019 allocations, and brings the cumulative amount awarded to date to just under $9 billion.
The continuum of HIV care is a framework that enables countries to monitor the effectiveness of their HIV response - from diagnosis towards viral suppression (which means that the virus is no longer detectable in the blood). This report provides a snapshot of the status ...
Treatment Action Group (TAG) released a statement in strong opposition to the President’s 2018 budget blueprint. The blueprint threatens research essential to ending the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the United States and globally by cutting funding and eliminating ...
Health Ministry says 824,000 of the estimated 850,000 HIV-positive people in Russia have already been added to the registry/
The Russian government has abandoned plans to fine HIV-infected patients who refuse to register on a Kremlin-administered list of sufferers.
Patients would have been forced to add their name ...
Even in very early (acute) HIV infection—before fourth generation HIV test assays are able to detect an HIV infection—immune activation and inflammatory processes may already be occurring, new research shows.
And, very early antiretroviral therapy (ART) may reduce, although not fully suppress, production of inflammatory markers ...
The long arm of the pharmaceutical industry continues to pervade practically every area of medicine, reaching those who write guidelines that shape doctors’ practices, patient advocacy organizations, letter writers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and even oncologists on Twitter, according to a ...
A research team led by investigators of the Rockefeller University in New York and Prof Florian Klein, University Hospital Cologne and German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), has tested a new HIV neutralising antibody, called 10-1074, in humans. The results of the trial have just ...
University of Colorado Boulder researchers have discovered that a protein-coding gene called Schlafen11 (SLFN11) may induce a broad-spectrum cellular response against infection by viruses including HIV-1.
The new research, which was recently published in the journal PLOS Pathogens, found that SLFN11’s antiviral potency is highest in ...
After the approval of safe and highly effective oral direct acting agents (DAA) for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in 2014, commentaries and discussions about the elimination of hepatitis C on a population level have rapidly proliferated in scientific literature and popular press. ...
The Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) this week is considering a report calling for the 11 cosponsor agencies of the programme to follow the recommendations of the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines to improve policy coherence, ...
An experimental immune-based therapy for chronic hepatitis B combined with tenofovir was safe and well-tolerated, but did not lead to greater reductions in hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) than the antiviral alone, according to a study reported at the AASLD Liver Meeting this month in ...
As part of the Ageing with HIV Project (Phase 2), the EATG will be organizing a series of thematic webinars dedicated to the topic “New challenges and unmet needs of children and adolescents living and ageing with HIV/AIDS”. The thematic webinars intend to provide information ...
EATG-hosted community webinar for HIV: The Long View – Invitation What does the future look like for HIV? Introducing HIV: The Long View As little as three decades ago, there was no such thing as a long-term vision for people living with HIV. Now, thanks ...
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) released its latest recommendations on treatment of hepatitis C at a special meeting last Thursday in Paris. The updated guidelines now include highly effective interferon-free options for all hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes and for ...
Aurobindo Pharma receives US FDA tentative approval for dolutegravir – the first generic version to be approved.
This generic dolutegravir is expected to be launched in sub-Saharan Africa in late 2016 through a collaboration between Aurobindo, ViiV Healthcare, and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI).
The WHO ...
The Lancet HIV is an exclusively online journal dedicated to publishing original research that advocates change in, or illuminates, HIV clinical practice. It publishes translational, epidemiological, clinical, operational, and implementation studies.
The October 2016 issue is available here.
Original Article