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AIDS2018 abstract submission deadlines are extended till January 25

January 10, 2018

The Amsterdam Youth Force, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association and AFEW International invite applicants from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) countries to submit draft abstracts to the XXII International AIDS Conference 2018 in Amsterdam (AIDS2018) for the selection panel review.

The Coordination Committee and the Secretariat of the Project on supporting the submission of abstracts from the EECA countries invite researchers, doctors, scientists, social activists and young people to submit their abstracts to a team that supports applicants from the EECA region in preparation for the AIDS2018 conference.

“It is very important to expand the representation of participants from this region, as it is the only area in the world where HIV epidemic is still on the rise”, the Committee press release states. – “We are ready to provide scientific support and assistance with drafting abstracts in English, which will increase the chances of presenting the papers at the conference for researchers, doctors, social activists and young people from the EECA region who do not have sufficient experience in writing scientific papers in English. We will help you to contact a researcher or specialist in your field who will provide you with feedback and help improve the quality of your abstracts. To furnish additional support to young researchers and activists, we also offer Skype consultations to discuss the suggestions on amending abstracts”.

If you are interested, below you can find information about the selection criteria for applicants and the abstract consideration procedure.

Selection criteria

You can send your abstracts to e-mail aids2018@afew.nl for professional assessment if:

  • You are a (young) researcher, scientist, doctor, social activist, representative of a public organization or NGO; and
  • You are planning to submit abstracts for the XXII International AIDS Conference 2018 (AIDS2018), which will be held on July 23-27, 2018 in Amsterdam; and
  • You work in one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan;

Abstract consideration procedure

Abstracts are accepted from December 1, 2017 until January 25, 2018 in English or Russian. Feedback on submitted theses will be provided at ONE ROUND. Selection panel members will provide a detailed analysis of the contents of the abstracts and suggestions for finalization.

If you want to obtain support with translating and editing of the English version, you need to submit your abstract before January 21. Translation and editing services will be provided to a limited number of applicants between January 22 and February 2, 2018.

If you submit the draft of your abstract in English, you will first receive scientific feedback on the quality of your abstract, then editing services in English may be provided.

After finalizing your abstract, you will need to resubmit it with a mark “Need language assistance”.

“As the resources of our team are limited, we will be able to accept up to 110 abstracts. Therefore, applications will be processed under the “first in – first out” principle. The earliest 110 abstracts from eligible applicants are forwarded to the selection panel members having relevant experience and education, who will provide subsequent feedback and, in some cases, personal consultations”, the selection panel informs.

Submit your abstracts in Word format, attach a brief motivation letter indicating the scientific area of abstracts, as well as information about yourself, including age, if you plan to submit your abstracts as a young researcher or public activist.

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