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Addressing HIV and TB Challenges: from Donor Support to Sustainable Health Systems

December 12, 2017

“We need financial sustainability of HIV and TB services and their further integration into the national health systems”.

Many countries are still substantially relying on international funding to tackle specific diseases, for example HIV and tuberculosis (TB); external donors are very often still the only or very substantial source of financing for programmes targeting key affected populations.

The aims of this senior level policy dialogue are:

  • to continue the discussions on actions towards ultimately eliminating HIV and TB in the EU with emphasis on financing of HIV and TB services and ensuring their sustainable integration into the national health systems
  • to identify and share good practices on overcoming the challenges in transition to domestic funding and sustainable health planning, integration of HIV and TB response to national health systems
  • to identify the key challenges, gaps, resources and needs in ensuring sustainable responses to HIV and TB
  • to agree, based on the discussion, recommendations that can be applied to other communicable diseases of serious public health concern

Location – Nordic Hotel Forum. Nordic Hotel Forum, Viru väljak 3, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia

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