International AIDS Conference AIDS-2018 is the largest conference on matters and achievements in global healthcare
On December 1, the registration opens for the global conference AIDS-2018 to be held in July in Amsterdam the following year. The portal Minus Virus describes how to get to the conference, and why it is so important.
– When and where will the AIDS-2018 conference take place?
– The 22nd International AIDS Conference, AIDS-2018 will be held on July 23-28, 2018 in Amsterdam and is expected to bring together about 18,000 participants from around the world.
– Who is invited to the conference?
– World leaders, politicians, scientists, researchers, officials, leaders of civil society organizations, volunteers, doctors, people living with HIV, journalists.
– Why is this conference so important?
– The International AIDS Conference is the largest conference on matters and achievements in global healthcare.
The conference theme this year is building bridges to break barriers.
The conference will also allow to exchange experiences, learn about new studies and HIV spread prevention, share the life hacks of successful social campaigns.

Armen Agadzhanov
According to Armen Agadzhanov, the ECUO consultant for strategic information, today, in the world, there is a decrease in new HIV cases and AIDS-related deaths. While only in the East Europe and Central Asia the spread of HIV/AIDS continues.
The ECUO, continues Agadzhanov, advocates for the use in the countries of our region, of modern and high-quality medicines and increased access to services.
“We, people living with HIV, believe that without the involvement of us in all processes related to HIV/AIDS, especially in the decision-making process, it is impossible to combat HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region. Nothing for us can be discussed and resolved without us”, – he concluded.
Evgeniya Smirnova, Head of the Board of the organization «Small heart with art», which helps children with HIV in Ukraine, expects that the conference will feature best practices in the elimination of vertical transmission of HIV (mother to child).

Evgeniya Smirnova
“The vertical HIV transmission in Ukraine is 3.2%, in some areas of the country reaches 6.7%. A high infant mortality rate is fixed: in 2016 – 64 children died. As confirmed by the official statistics”, – says Evgeniya.
As an example of successful work, Smirnova remarks Georgia, where for two years there is no vertical transmission.
“I hope that the organizers will provide access to the sessions and conference materials to the broadest possible range of stakeholders. For example, in 2010 the ECUO held interactive HAB – online broadcasting from the conference. It was possible to ask the speaker online and receive an answer straight away from the stage”.
– When the registration for AIDS-2018 opens?
– The registration for the conference opens on December 1, 2017, and will last until February 1, 2018. To apply for a scholarship will be possible from December 1, 2017, until February 1, 2018. Abstracts for the conference can be submitted between December 1 and February 5.
– What are the main topics to be considered at the conference?
AIDS 2018 welcomes the submission of abstracts in the following scientific tracks:
Track A: Basic and Translational Research
Track B: Clinical Research
Track C: Epidemiology and Prevention Research
Track D: Social and Political Research, Law, Policy and Human Rights
Track E: Implementation Research, Economics, Systems and Synergies with other Health and Development Sectors
– What activities will be held within the AIDS-2018 conference?
– The main program includes plenary sessions, seminars on capacity building, special session, stand reports, oral presentations and much more.
In the Global Village, accessible to the public, there will be sessions, debates, film screenings, theater performances, youth sessions, network zones, a world café and much more. A total of about 500 events.
– How many delegates from Ukraine went to the conference in the past years?
– The number of people who represented Ukraine, mostly, decreased. The statistics look sad and paradoxical: in Ukraine, the number of people infected with HIV is increasing, the number of community organizations and initiatives is increasing, and the number of participants is decreasing.
The largest delegation from Ukraine was represented in 2010.
AIDS-2010 was visited by 201 participants from Ukraine, of which 20 received a scholarship.
AIDS-2012 was visited by 100 people, 13 of them received a scholarship.
AIDS-2014 – 51 people, 13 of them received a scholarship.
AIDS-2016 – 63 people, 17 of them received a scholarship.
– How to get a scholarship?
– As they told us in the organizing committee of the conference, everyone is invited and encouraged to apply for the scholarship. Applications for scholarships are open from December 1 and will be closed in early February. Requests are accepted from both persons who send content (reports, presentations, etc.), and from other potential participants of the conference.
– Do I need to speak English to participate in the conference?
– English is the main language of the conference. To fully participate in the conference, it is essential that the delegate understands it well. The conference is working to make the sessions more accessible, but the main language of all the main sessions remains unchanged.