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Fast-track update on investments needed in the AIDS responce. UNAIDS 2016. Reference.

16 ноября, 2016


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Fast-Track is a comprehensive approach implemented by health systems working in close collaboration with civil society to deliver evidenceinformed, high-impact services within an enabling environment that protects individual rights and moves society towards the goal of zero discrimination. Fast-Track is guided at the national level and realized at the local level. It requires cities, towns and communities to take charge of their HIV responses by analysing the nature of their epidemic and then using a location–population approach to focus their resources on the geographical areas and the populations in greatest need.

Updated UNAIDS projections reconfirm that a Fast-Track approach is critical to establishing the momentum necessary to reach the Sustainable Development Goal target to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030. A Fast-Track approach will result in a nearly 90% reduction in the annual number of people newly infected with HIV globally and a 79% reduction in the annual number of people dying from AIDS-related causes globally from 2010 to 2030. Scientific advances are expected to further push progress to a 90% reduction in AIDS-related deaths.

By comparison, a business-as-usual approach (maintaining the 2014 level of service coverage) will prolong the epidemic indefinitely, and in many countries the epidemic will rebound and grow. Compared with maintaining the 2014 level of HIV services, the Fast-Track approach will avert 17.6 million HIV infections and 10.8 million AIDS-related deaths from 2016 to 2030.

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