Категории: Протоколы по лечению и тестированию
Год выпуска: 2014
Источник: UNAIDS
Тип документа: UNAIDS ART mapping report
Язык документа: ENG
Страна: Узбекистан
Теги: ART, ART coverage, CSW, Forecasts 2014-2018, MSM, PLHIV, PWID
The estimated number of PWLH in the Republic of Uzbekistan constituted 36692 in 2013. There was a growth in the number of newly registered cases of HIV infection: in 2011 there were 3584 newly registered cases of HIV infection, while in 2013 4247 new cases were registered. The prevalence among such key vulnerable groups as PWID and CSW imply stabilization of the epidemiological process in these populations in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Meanwhile the HIV prevalence among MSM has increasedб and these data indicate unstable epidemiological situation in this particular group.