Категории: Протоколы по лечению и тестированию
Год выпуска: 2014
Источник: UNAIDS
Тип документа: UNAIDS ART mapping report
Язык документа: ENG
Страна: Молдова
Теги: ART, ART coverage, CSW, Forecasts 2014-2018, MSM, PWID
The estimated number of people who live with HIV (PWLH) in the Republic of Moldova (including the territory eastern left bank of the Dniester) constituted 14 801 in 2013. The following data of prevalence and spread of HIV infection could indicate stabilization of the epidemiological process among general population in the Republic of Moldova. In compliance with sentinel the surveillance data the active epidemic process remains among risk groups, which demonstrated high rate of HIV prevalence among the key vulnerable groups (PWID, CSW, MSM) as well as significant difference depending on the region. For instance, in Beltsy there is a high rate of HIV prevalence among PWID while there isn’t any growth of the group; in Tiraspyl this indicator is practically twice as large. According to sentinel surveillance data HIV prevalence among MSM and CSW has considerably grown up.