Категории: Протоколы по лечению и тестированию
Год выпуска: 2014
Источник: UNAIDS
Тип документа: UNAIDS ART mapping report
Язык документа: ENG
Страна: Kazakhstan
Теги: ART, ART coverage, Forecasts 2014-2018, MSM
Over a period of time 1987–2013 there were 19 905 cases of HIV infection registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan (cumulative data). The estimated number of PWLH in the country constituted 19 000 people in 2013. Though, the country has taken the decision to refuse adoption of estimated by “Spectrum” data. The HIV prevalence indicators and the number of newly registered cases of HIV infection over the last three years imply stabilization of the epidemiological process in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Epidemic of HIV infection has been still concentrated among risk groups though the current situation among risk populations can be also characterized by stabilization.