INCB Annual Report 2017

INCB Annual Report 2017

The INCB Annual Report, prepared in accordance with the international drug control treaties, examines the global drug control situation, and makes recommendations to Governments and regional and international organizations. The thematic chapter of the INCB Annual Report for 2017 focuses on treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration ...

March 05, 2018
A City Without Stigmatization – Amsterdam (video)

A City Without Stigmatization – Amsterdam (video)

From the perspective of activists from Eastern-Europe, Amsterdam is the symbol of humane drug policies. Our Russian speaking reporters visited the city to explore its harm reduction scene – and meet with Eastern-Europeans who live there. Watch their video and find out more!

January 09, 2018

HIV activist battles drugs and discrimination in Ukraine

Growing up in eastern Ukraine, Svitlana Moroz said she was a typically reckless teenager who believed she’d live forever. She shared needles with friends to inject opium, had unprotected sex with a guy her own age, and five months after hooking up with him, learned she ...

February 13, 2017
EATG  News  

Drug use and HIV: is there a correlation?

Although the use of needles to inject illegal drugs is a known risk factor in the transmission of HIV (more than 180,000 injectable drug users with HIV have died since the HIV epidemic began), less attention has been paid to general patterns of drug use ...

February 07, 2017
EATG  News  

The war on drugs causes massive human rights violations

Experts discuss the devastating effects of prohibition and their reasons for reform The war on drugs has had devastating effects on human rights and public health worldwide, argue experts in The BMJ. In November, the journal argued that prohibition laws have failed and called on doctors to ...

January 24, 2017
EATG  News  

Health agencies should challenge the idea that most gay men use drugs

Drug use generally and chemsex more specifically are perceived to be common and normalised behaviours among gay men involved in those scenes in London, but this perception is contradicted by survey data. As social norms influence health-related behaviour, health promotion interventions should challenge the idea ...

November 29, 2016